was established in October 1987 as 'an informal group of friends'
over dinner at the Sea Pine Inn, Waretown, NJ. We had just finished
preparing our boats for winter storage, and a good meal with friends
finalized the season. Some where in our conversation, because of the
camaraderie of new como tramitar tarjeta de credito Mexico friendships and social gatherings at Leaming's
Marina, someone suggested we form a Yacht Club; none of us owned
yachts (18' to 29').
several names were discussed, Barnegat Bay Yacht Club, Barnegat
Beach Yacht Club, Barnegat Light, etc., Shirley Clegg suggested
Lagoon View (Leaming's is located at Lagoon View Road & Marine
Road). A vote was taken and an informal election held. The founders
were (first) Commodore Ernst & Hilda Vesely; Vice Commodore Bill
& Rita Morgen; Rear Commodore Bill & Shirley Clegg. All
Chiefs, no Indians. Over the winter months, Vice Commodore Bill
Morgen, with the assistance of Commander Tony Marini (our first
Executive Officer) solicited many of their Pennsway Power Squadron
Officers/members (the foundation of our club) to join LVYC. That
summer, marina tenants were solicited, bringing the membership to 28.
Gosser, a dedicated NJ/Chesapeake boater of 30 years, a former
Officer of Salem Yacht Club joined LVYC. Bob was instrumental in
formalizing activities, gaining accreditation with Yachting Club of
America, and co-authored our by-laws with the assistance of several
clubs. The membership of became a little concerned as the original
concept of 'informal' became organized.
April 1992 Commodore Ernst Vesely resigned. Bill Morgen assumed the
interim position of Commodore and elections followed in October. Many
of the current Officers serving today are from the original 1992
slate. The membership continues to grow.
1994 the club incorporated as a NJ non-profit fraternal boating
association "dedicated to safe Boating Education and Children
Charities". New member Jack C. Carini organized fundraisers to
benefit the club, with the view of building a facility. That concept
was rejected, as the members did not want a formal structure,
especially uniforms. It was decided, since we weren't building a
facility, that any fundraising monies collected be donated to
children charities. Within boating circles we became known as
"The Charity Yacht Club".
1995 the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Clubs Association (132 clubs) accepted
us into membership. In 1996 Bill Morgen was elected to the CBYCA
Board as Member at Large for the PA/NJ region (1996-2004). In 1998 we
were accepted into membership by the Delaware River Yachtsmen's
League (an association of 38 yachts clubs on the PA/NJ Delaware
River). We are a member of Yachting Club of America, and we're listed
in the Register of American Yacht Clubs. LVYC severed it's
association with CBYCA January 2005.
come a long way since '87 thanks to the continued support of our
members and friends. Our membership today totals 102 family members.
We pride ourselves in our camaraderie and charitable endeavors.
