Beacon Newspapers (reprinted with permission).
trying to decide where to dock a boat, probably the most important sacar una tarjeta de crédito
is the protection afforded during times of nasty weather.
is a small marina tucked away in an ultra-protected lagoon in
Despite its location away from the open waters of Barnegat Bay, it's
only a three- or four-minute voyage out of the lagoon to open water.
unique feature of Leaming's Marina is its affiliation with
Lagoon View Yacht Club which is located right on the premises. While
all yacht club members do not have a slip here, many do. Lagoon
View Yacht Club is affiliated with other boating clubs across
the country and sponsors charitable activities both in Waretown and
at other sites on the eastern seaboard. Lagoon View Yacht Club and are a
members club of Yachting Club of America; they are listed in The
Register of American Yacht Clubs.
Leaming has been operating the marina for 25 years and can
accommodate 76 boats. As a member of the LVYC Board of Directors and
the 2006 President of the New Jersey Marine Trades Association,
he is always up on current trends and movements in the boating
industry. The total floating dock marina can handle boats up to 26
feet, and about 85% of the boats here are power boats with the rest sailboats.
The marina is in the midst of a well established residential area,
and many of these residents berth their boats at Leaming's. There's a
ship store right on the premises that sells an assortment of marine
supplies as well as a line of bait and tackle special for the types
of fishing done in the area. Although there is no restaurant on the
site, there are two very nice eating places within walking distance.
All of the slips are new (2008) floating docks, so access for boaters
to their craft is easy. All slips come equipped with both water and
electric. Television and telephone are available on request. The
marina has a reputation as a family type, and many boaters will spend
weekends and short vacations aboard their boats. There are clean
restrooms with showers conveniently located for the use of
boat owners and their guests. A brand new pumpout station was
recently constructed.
The marina is situated at the end of the lagoon in a sort of
horseshoe shape. This means that there is not only plenty of parking,
but all boat owners are able to park right at the stern of the their
boat. This makes loading and unloading gear a snap. Picnic tables are
available for family use.
Leaming's Marina bills itself as a full service marina, and that is
what it is. A nine ton travel lift provides a means to put boats in
and out of the water. Once a boat is out of the water, Leaming's
Marina provides a hauling service to both deliver and pick up boats.
Factory authorized service is available from mechanics who are
certified in Merc-Cruiser, E-Tec, Mercury, and Yamaha. Other work
such as electronic installations and repair, and canvas work is
available on request. Leaming has arrangements made to provide timely
service in these areas for his customers. Leaming's is also a good
place to buy a decent used boat. Tom Leaming has acquired a name for
his marina as a reputable place to both buy and sell used boats. The
gas dock pumps 89 octane premium gas.
slips available for short term usage. The charge is a very reasonable
$25 nightly. Reciprocal Yacht Club members receive a discounted rate.
As mentioned earlier, Lagoon View Yacht Club maintains its home
base here and conducts many of its activities here. The club in
participation with Leaming's holds several social events during the season.
Once boats leave the dock, there is a multitude of activities
available. This area of Barnegat Bay is very wide and provides ample
room for cruising for both power and sail. For fishermen and
crabbers, the waters of Barnegat Bay and those just inside Barnegat
Inlet are renowned for their rich resources. Barnegat Inlet and its
entrance to the Atlantic Ocean is just a short 20 minutes across the bay.
Coming by car, the marina is reached by taking Barnegat Beach Drive
off Route 9 just across the street from the Lighthouse Tavern. Go
about 1/2 mile and turn right on Lagoon View Road.
Leaming's Marina will be on the left at the end of the lagoon. If
coming by boat, head due west from marker 42 and enter the wide deep
access channel. Once through the entrance, bear left and then go down
the lagoon.
In water dockage:
for 76 boats from 15-26 feet
Seasonal fee: $80 per foot
Slip Depth: 8 feet
Slip Width: Up to 9 feet
Winter Storage
for up to 100 boats
at $33 per foot
Boat brokerage on premises.
Leaming, 91 Marine Road, Waretown, NJ 08758
& Fax: (609)-971-1514 / Email LeamingT@aol.com
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